Tuesday, November 13, 2007

21 Days of Gratitude

Dear Friends,

We all know that "Gratitude" is a powerful accelerant for all "law of attraction" processes.

When the teachers from The Secret came together to speak with Oprah, Dr. Michael Beckwith explained that "nothing new can come into your life until you are grateful for what you have."

In November, the month in which Americans traditionally reserve a day to focus on "gratitude," the founders of "Prosperity from the Inside-Out" would like to invite you to take the experience of "gratitude" further by participating in our free 21 Days of Gratitude project (officially beginning 11/19/07 - so that we can have our gratitude vibration in high gear by Thanksgiving!)

If you've participated in any of our previous free online "experiments" you know that powerful shifts always take place. (Follow any of the above hyperlinks to learn more participants' responses.)

Here is what you can expect from this experience:

You'll be encouraged to focus on gratitude for five minutes a day over the course of 21-days.

You'll be introduced to online assessments that you can use to: measure your gratitude vibration at the beginning (and at the end) of the experience; measure changes in your "happiness" levels and track things that you are grateful for (plus you'll be able to access all of these web-based programs - for free - at any time in the future.)

You'll be immersed
in a community of people who are choosing to focus on gratitude via daily blog posts for the 21-days.

Plus, we will also offer enhanced opportunities: weekly live 30-minute "energy attunements" and hour-long group prosperity coaching accessible by phone and web simulcast (which will also be free for all interested participants.)

At ChoosingProsperity we have faith in the power of gratitude so we have created this free program to give you a rich experience of how valuable it is to bring the energy of gratitude to life.

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." -- author Melodie Beattie

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